Friday, December 31, 2010


bye sadness. . hello0 happiness

bye diploma. . hello0 degree :\

bye Malacca. . hello0 Perak

bye liquid eyeliner. . hello0 gel eyeliner

bye clean&clear. . hello0 nano

bye carbonated drinks. . hello0 sky juice :O

bye jeans. . hello0 long skirt

bye bawal. . hello0 selendang

bye laziness. . hello0 soft bones :|

bye "teenth. . hello0 "tieth

bye 2010. . hello0 2011 :)

bye love..

hello0 double triple super duper LOVE !!! 
Enhanced by Smiley Central Ibrhm FauDzi. .

love u very2 much untill when-when. . haha :D

Thursday, December 30, 2010


do i really have to go ?
i'm 20 n i'm doing my degree. . quite impressing for me. .
but neahhhh. . lau dh smbung kt perak yg nun jauh kt sne tuhh, haaiiiii jatuh jntung makk nokk. .
xmaw xmaw !! tp trime la jugak. .
coz xnk lpaskn pluang yg ad. . penyesalan itu sungguh tidak bgus ye !!
huhhh... nk sigh byk2 kali nehh. . huhhh !
coz aq sgt2 susah nk sesuaikn diri kt tmpat org. .
i need about 1 or 2 months to suit myself. . geezas. .
hope i can make through all this. .

to my family,
ara akn study betol2. .
xde men2 dh. . luck wont come everytime kn. .
i'll make u proud one day ayah. . :)

to all my friends,
i'll miss u guys alot !!
we'll meet again someday. . :)

to the apple of my eye,
i love u ome. .
i will always do. .
ome jgn risau k. . i xkn crk laky len. . ad jek laky ngurat nty i trus jerit dgn lntang skali
"a'uzubillahiminasyaitonirrajim..." !!!! hah, biar diorg sume blah terus kn. .
x pon i pkai name tag besar2
 "sy dah ad buah ati pengarang jantung yg bernama ibrahim dan sy cintakn dy sampai akhir hayat dan sy nk kawin ngn dy esok! dan sy tidak akn terpikat dgn anda ! sy ad penyakit alah pd lelaki miang (!) sila berambus!!!"
hahh. .pnjg kn ? cukup satu bdn dah gntung. . haha
i love u with all my ulu hati ome. . :) <3

pray for me u guys. . i always pray the best for all of u too. . :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spice Girls - Viva Forever

viva forever..
i'll be waiting..
ever lasting..
like the sun.. <3

Monday, December 27, 2010


blog ohh blog. .
kecintaan ku sudah ad blog sndr. .
actually dh lme dy ad. . bfore sara lg. .
so like, smlm bru dy activekn blek. .
jdy, i'm not sharing d same blog with him lg laa. .
can't wait to see what he's gonna update in his blog. .
*gatal merenyam. . ;P

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Estrella - Ternyata

ku ingin dia saat pertama berjumpa dengan nya. .
sgt sweet. . :)

Estrella - Stay

do stay my love~

16/12/2010 "reply post"

xleh nafi lg dh. . mmg sah. . xde syak wasangka lg dh. .yakin dan saksama nye. . ouuhhh dy sungguh mempesonakan. . pheewiiittt~~
he's cute. . mnje. . n the most talkative person i've ever met. . gler comel kn. .
i must admit yg mmg sara xbyk ckp lgsung ble ngn dy. .
dy sndr ckp "syg, ckp la. .nty ome tertido.."
haha gosh. ! i dont know what to say la. !
i thought cm lidah kelu xterkata was just ayat mengada jek. .
well, im wrong. !
it happen to me ok. . seriously sara kelu gler. .
mmg leh kire bpe pkataan yg kuar. . haha
ok, the real is,,, i cant look at his eyes. ! gosh sooo sooo amazing ok. .
sgt redup, sedap aty ble pndg. .
frankly say, im totally hypnotized. .
ble pndg jek mata tu sara rse cm tgh mimpi. .
sounds like ayat2 manis teruna casanova kn. .  tp mmg tu yg sara rse. .
it was the best 5 hours in my entire life. .
ouhh kt cinema tu. .xckp sgt. . kerana sgt best ye TRON tuhh. .
saya suke. . anda ? *lntk la kn. .
last hntr ome kt tren. .
sgt berat ye hati nehh. . tp xpe. . ad jodoh, jmpe lg. .

first capture

sila suke pic nehh bersama2 saya

gg besar. . sekian.

heart beat~



p/s: sorry fer the last post yg ome wt. . ad pic yg xsepatutnye ckt. . 
ome bdk degil~

i love u so much.. xoxo~~

Friday, December 17, 2010

16 DEC 2010

Hari paling indah bg aku dan sarah...
Kali pertama kite org berjumpa...
she so cute...
my mom hantar aku pergi jumpa die hari di tajuk di atas...
so sempat lah jumpa syg aku yg comel ni...
n special thanks for her sister coz sudi jemput aku pada hari tersebut..
tak sangka sgt aku leh jumpa die hari 2....
mula2 perjumpaan yang sangat ringkas dan bersahaja...
lps salam2 mak aku terus naik kereta kakak die...
lemah lembut je aku tutup pintu kereta kakak die(takut kena marah)...
tak kuat akak die ckp..
sekali lg aku tutup pintu 2...
kite org dok borak2 je dlm kereta 2...
tak ckp apa2 just tersenyum2 n gelak tak tentu pasal(aku tak ingat lawak apa aku buat)
after sampai kat shah alam her sis turunkan kite org kat bukit raja jusco...
1 time aku sampai tempat ni...
so kecik n area die aku tak berapa tahu...
kite org pusing2 je dlm 2...
pusing punya pusing die ckp die lapar...
so kite org gi lah mkn...
aku jadi tukang suap die makan!
kite org mkn bersama2..
sambil bergilir2 mkn..
so sweet time 2...
saling menyuap...
bila dah selesai mkn kite org gi lah tgk cite yg movie kite org beli slum mkn td...
comel gile...
n sweet...
dlm panggung 2 kite org just tgk movie sambil berbisik2...
lps tgk wayang kite org dok jalan2 kat dlm jusco sambil ambik gambar...

                                                 our pic... dgn rambut serabai aku... adoi...

                                                              our hand

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


nk tulis pendek jek nehh ! sbb geram!
ex aq nehh g hecked fb aq pehal plak kn?? 
dgn yahoo mail aq skali dy g tukar password...
mehh sinehh pale dy! aq nk tendg ckt !! ggrrr.....
so skrg fb lme aq (sarah idilfitri) n ym aq dh xleh pkai dh...
shit gler kn....
ok cm ne kntoinye??
aq mule nk on fb xleh.. dy kata password slh...
try punye try dy kata aq tukar password kul 1.20 tdy... f**K!!!!
ble plak kn.. time tuhh aq ngah mndi ok... huhh!
then aq try nk reset sume.... ble nk reset kn fb akn ntr code kt yahoo mail kite...
so ble aq nk on yahoo email aq nehh,, xbolehhhh plak ...!
aq nk reset blek, kuar sgala soalan yg aq xpnh tnye... so yahoo xleh nk detect identity aq...
geram sgt nehh!
korek punye korek,,, 
yahoo nk bg code plak.. dy suruh pilih alternative email...
kuar email burung gagak gler meroyan tuhh!!! isyy! gile talak jugk agknye!!
kt ctu la kantoi sumenye....
aq nk g maki dy xkne plak kn...
aq ad nom umah dy jek...
nom phone dy aq dh buang...
ergghh! geram!
xpe.. sabar jek la ngn laky psycho cm tu...
uolls take care k...
jgn knl ngn org yg gler cm tuhh...
k aq dh relax dh nehh...
dh lpas geram kt ramai2 org.. hehe

love u sume2 !! xoxo~~ ;)

Monday, December 13, 2010

he said..

i am......

bad listener
wudn't understand a thing in whatever he's sayin'
don't care about him
don't care bout anyone else..
a selfish
make him wanna kill himself

he ask me to fuck off...
then i will......................................
as u wish..................................


Sunday, December 12, 2010


hari ahad...
sweet sunday bg semua org yg berkerja...
hari ini aku bgn2 tido je mengidapi penyakit pening kepala yg kronik...
bkn aku nak mengeluh or apa2...
tp tak tahan dgn sakit kepala aku kadang2...
hari ini terutamanya...
aku nak dok tgk tv pun prob...
apa lah masalah kepala aku ni sampai nak tgk tv pun bermasalah...
ok2 sudah dgn prob 2...
hari ni aku tak buat apa2 pun selain dok tgk tv n tgk fb...
nak kluar mls lah sgt2...
aku pun tak tahu apa nak buat...
tgh2 dok2 msg sygkun,tibe2 tak leh sent msg...
adoi,kena topup lg...
mls tul nak kluar...
tak pe lah...
kejap lg aku pergi lah...
lps mandi mlm...
then buat apa2 yg patut lepas 2...
aku dok tgk gambar org kesayangan aku je td...
aku rindu bangat...
tak tahu kenapa time aku sakit ni aku dok teringat org yg aku syg...
aku nak gile dok ingat die sejak akhir2 ni...
mungkin lah hayat aku tak panjang?
tp mungkin sbb aku ditakdirkan hidup dgn die...
apa2 pun...
skrg aku bahagia sgt dgn die...
die btul2 memahami aku(even aku ni gedik tahap gaban)
aku harap hubungan kami bertahan sehingga ke akhir hayat...
i realy love her...
she naver ask me to change...
well,peragai aku yg agak manje(bkn agak manje tp memang manje sgt pun)
die je yg pernah ckp dgn aku jgn berubah coz i like the way you are...
jantung aku cair sgt...
pertama kali aku dgr org ckp dgn aku cam 2...
selain ni mintak aku berubah coz aku mcm budak2...
yes,i am budak2...
that me...
she like me about that...
i just being my self...
i not pretending...
i will always b my self...
because if i am perfect i am not human at all...
imperfect is the just i like to be...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

mereka kegilaan ku..

happy sunday uolls... pg yg xbpe pg tdy bngun2 aq trus rindu kt 2 org besties aq yg gile2 nehh... 

yg sorg nehh cinta aty pengarang jntung aq... pheewiittt... hahaaha sgt gler dn sempoi orangnye... perangai xkne ngn mke.. mke cun melecun ! bak kata diri dy sndr, mke dy cm intan ladyana.. hahh, org len xckp tau.. dy sorg jek ckp.. hahahhaha tp pengai sempoi gler... mulut pon byk gler... skali merepek confirm sebulan xabis.. stay seremban ini bdk... same ngn bf aq gk.. hehe sgt pndai aq mncari cinta aty kan.. dua2 kt seremban.. haha (gurau..ome jgn mrh..) she's SHYRA DAUD !

yg sorg lg nehh plak tggi gler!!! klh rekod org tertggi di dunia tuhh... hahh tggi dy lbh kurg aq... mmg tggi gler la kn.. =,=! hehe cute! at first aq egt dy pndiam jek... tp lme2 knl dy, mulut mengalahkn bertih goreng.. stiap ary ad jek falsafah dy nk bg.. kitorg nehh pon terpkse dgr dgn tekun.. termasuk k.fatul (otai bilik) hahahaha sepnjg aq ngn dy, aq xpenah lg nmpk dy sedih..bdk hyper nehh nama dy ECAH DANI !

list persamaan diorg berdua nehh...
-study tourism..
-part 2 (july 2010)
-byk ckp
-NGANJING KUAT (!) (di beri penekanan ye di sini..)
-otak gile..
-kuat tido! (smpai berjgkit 1 blik)

yg bestnye kwn ngn diorg nehh... xde istilah touching ye di kalangn kami... cool babe! chill spnjg mse.. gelak xberingat ble ngn diorg... they're actually my roomate... the best roomate i've ever had ok ! stiap mslh aq mmg aq cite kt blik tuhh... open beb.. n diorg slalu bg semgt n nasihat... gler, gler gk... tp ble ad prob, kitorg settlekn sme2... bestest la korang ! 
yg buat aq rindu gler kt diorg nehh,,,, mlm diorg last paper, diorg study gler2 punye... diorg g study kt blik mber... k.fatul plak study+tgk movie (hehe biasa la time2 tnsion kne release ckt) kt blik dpan.. dkt pukul 12 lbh kot bru la ecah blek... blek2 tgk aq duduk kt atas katil smbil sndr kt dinding kn cm org xde pedoman gitu.. dy pon join skali nek katil aq.... tbe2 k.fatul msok nk amek roti n ecah pon amek 1.. kitorg nk bg2 kn pon lme gler... masing2 xnk belah kn.... hahahaha sengal.. smpai la si shyra nehh msok n terkejut tgk kitorg ats katil.. hahahaha pkse punye pkse, dy pon nek skali... hehe duduk la 3 gadis pujaan ramai kt atas katil aq.. pheewiiittt! kitorg ringn kowt! katil xruntuh pon.. hahahaha 
bile shyra nek nehh, kitorg smbung lg gdoh sape nk bhgi kn roti... aq ngn ecah dgn sronoknye kata kitorg xreti math... trus ulur kt shyra.. "ko kn dpt A math! ko la bg kn.." hahahha bengong.. apakah itu?? shyra dgn aty la mulianye amek la roti tuhh... time nk bhgi2kn roti tuhh xabis gelak cm setan kitorg nehh.. pdhl diorg nk exam esok.. hahaha

berbual smpai kul2 lbh rsenye.. lme gk kn... but that was the moment yg xkn dilupe kn... rindu gler kt korang beb! hehe

n accidentally, bju raya kitorg sme k... putih n corak itam.. pheewiiitt! haha!
pesen nye cm aq punye paling cntik ye.. hrp mklum.. (jgn jeles shyra n ecah..) hahahhaa

love u ecah n shyra !!!! xoxo~~

Friday, December 10, 2010

owww idaman hati !!

ary nehh. agk padat ye jadual.. pg2 g jogging kt dataran... then bersarapan roti telur bawang yg sodaaappp!! dgn nes suam... sedap! hehe then g umah tok mak comel... try spect tok bah !! huhhh! xnmpk pape lgsung okeyyhh... ni hahh tgk.. hehe (mne lg separuh kening aq pon aq xtaw.. haha)

ni lahh adik aq yg mudah utk digolek2 kn..comel ! (=,=)

aahhhh... lpas tuhh ! blek umah sbnrnye.. xde la bz.. yg bz nye aq tido... pnt ! hahahahaha xbkesan lgsung nes tdy.. =,=! bngun2 tdo dlm kebosanan nsib bek mber aq call.. borak lme xberingat nehh... bincg mcm2.. hal2 dunia nehh kn... kne bincg ngn tekun.. hehe ble dh hang up, aq trase bosan blek.. then on internet.. tgk2 online shop kn... tgk jek la yg mampu.. hahahaha wehh!!! nk nehh!! nk nehh!!! uisyy! tergoda aq.. tergugat iman aq yg kental mental nehh kn... hahh tgk pic nehh ! confirm korang pon ske GLER!!

hahh! tergoda kn? kn? kn?????

gler bai... i want it!!!!! sape bce nehh wajib bg utk kebahagiaan aq!! lau x, aq xnk bhgia.. ahhh!! takut x? takut?? hahahahha *bengek.. geezas.. really craving fer this 1 laa..... huhhh!

alrite.... sila postkn rntai tuhh nty kt umah aq k... hehe 

necklace ohhh necklace... love u la! xoxo~~

mr. K !!!

OMG kn tbe2 awal2 post nehh.... yg skrg nehh aq nk cite psl sorg guy nehh.... aq knl dy tidak bgitu lme ye.. tp sudah seperti amat mengenalinye ye kanak2 sekalian... guy nehh sgt2 kuat mkn!! ini bkn kuat mkn yg biasa! ini luar biasa sgt2!!! bhya jika makhluk ini trus dibiar bertempiaran! abis sume mknan kite... hahahhaha
1 lg habit guy nehh dy ske tido!! aq ngah ckp ngn dy pon dy leh tido lena gler nehh. xfhm aq kn...
sbb habit dy yg melampau2 kehebatan nye nehh, mkn tido mkn tido... aq pggil dy KUALA!!! gler comelkn...
tp yg amazingnye, 1 ari nehh ad mber dy comment kt status dy kata dy mr.K... aq bgai kera la kn tertnye2.. aq tnye byk2 kali nehh xd jwb nye... last2 tdy bru guy nehh gtaw mr.K is for KUALA as well! hahahaha rupenye dy mmg dpanggil kuala sejak skolah lg... mmg kuat tido sgguh la guy nehh kn.... comel gler...
actually this guy is my bf la! my IBRHM KUALA !!! hahahaha

love u.. xoxo~~

10 dec 2010...

hye everyone!
this is my 1 time tulis blog kat sini...
thanks to my sweet HEART Sarah Idilfitri...
coz beri kepercayaan kepada aku...
love her so much...
Klu ikotkan tajuk atas 10 dec memang hari yg paling memenatkan aku...
mana tak nye...
aku rasa aku dah leh lawan badang dah...
sampai 10 kotak n beg aku angkat n letak dlm kereta...
azab mengangkat semua benda2...
apa leh buat(2 lah degil suruh hantar brg2 balik tak nak)
part ni best sikit...
lepas brg terakhir aku letak dlm kereta,aku ingat nak 2kar tempat parking kereta je...
coz tempat diorg park 2 panas gile...
dlm mengalihkan kereta,otak aku ligat dok fikir tak kan nak terus naik?
aku penat nak mampus ni...
so dgn takde niat sgt aku pergilah shell...
isi minyak lah katakan...
time aku nak balik 2...
aku coll si sarah manje hati ku...
fon aku tercampak time aku buat o turn 2...
bkn laju sgt pun cuma tibe2...
coz tgh nak dial fon syg hati ku...
maaf syg...
tak sengaja,nak coll tp fon terbang...
kali ni dah msk 3 kali fon aku terbang...
kali pertama sampai retak screen...
kedua n ketiga ni nasib baik lah takde apa2 sgt...
ni msk berkerja nanti lg teruk kot kena fon ni...
spare fon ready oo...
hari ni jgk hari yg paling indah patutnya...
dpt balik kul 11 pg...
kul 3 ptg br aku balik...
settel kan buku putih n lain2 lg...
tgh2 aku drive dlm kereta(pakai earphone)
aku dengarlah lagu dari fon...
punya banyak lagu dlm fon aku 2...
sekali kluar lagu simple plan perfect...
lagu ni kluar time btul2 lps aku dpt tiket toll...
aku layan lah...
sambil dok nyanyi jerit2 dlm kereta sorg2...
sambil2 2 otak aku ni dok teringat sal aku belajar kat melaka...
kluar lah air mata seorg lelaki bila teringat aku ada buat silap n lain2 time 2...
maaf sgt2 kepada lec aku...
memory hari ini adalah satu kenagan yg tak dpt dilupakan...

ni kerja sarah...
aku dah tak edit pic dah,semua sal final projek aku..
tak pe...
cuti ni leh buat banyak2 pic edit kami...
pic pertama sarah n pic aku yg ketiga kebawah sama je pose nye cute gile!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

1.23 a.m.

well... berpandukn tajuk di atas ye kalian.. biasa zaman2 remaja ala2 comel gtu kn... super saver la ap lagi kau hengat... nk cite ap yg berlaku time calling2 nehh.. haha
i love u n sgala bagai ayat2 jiwang tu dh biasa la kn...
tp nehh bf aq len ckt nehh.. xtaw la ap yg merasuk dy...
dh la dy cm asyik terlelap jek kn.. aq ckp2 dy cm xdgr... wt buduuuuu jek kn... aq ckp dy ngntuk ke dy kata "tidak sama sekali!"
haha lawak la sgt kn! byk kali nehh dy terlelap.. ble aq tnye, byk alasan comel dy bg.. ckp suare aq xjelas la... aq ckp pelan la... saja nk dgr aq membebel sorang2 la.. mengada btol.. aq taw dy ngntuk tuh.. hahh! sape suruh wt s.saver kn... sndr wt, sndr ngntuk.. geram btol aq... *geram2 mnje la... hehe org bru bercinta.. mne leh geram nk hentak kn...

tp yg paling buang tebiat nye bf aq nehh.... hisy hahahahhaa nk gelak dlu dh nehh...
bf: syg... dgr ea...
aq: iye.. dgr...
bf: eh bkn.. dgr la nehh tau...
aq: owh.. ok2...

selama 2mnt..


2mnt kemudian:
bf: syg, dgr x?
aq:hah? dgr ap ome? xdgr pape pon...
bf: xdgr ke? degupan jntung ome...
aq: hahahahahahhaha *gelak xhingat!
       ome biar btol nehh? comel sgt nehh... *gelak2 lg...

comel sgt bf aq nehh.. ad ke suruh aq dgr jntung dy lalu phone.. klakar... aq ketawa xbnti smpai dy bengang...
ome? ome? npe diam nehh?
tiiiitttttt..... tidur sudah... bru 19 mnt berckp...
mntk2 dy bngun blek mlm nty...
rindu! haha dh abis gelakkan dy bru nk merindu... nth pape aq nehh... maaf ea ome.. heeh

cm kuala dh aq tgk.. haha

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

apa kah??

mula2 msg2.. aq xbls, trus misscall2.. msg punye msg.. aq dh cm mls nk lyn... haissyyy mne bf aq nehh kn.. sbuk ngn jamuan mkn2 dy la tuhh.. haha ikan buntal ini bdk ! ;P then aq xbls la msg dy.. bkn msg penting pon.. mengarut2 ckp bosan bagai... hingat aq peti penghilang kebosanan?? pffftttt... bkn nk ckp aq dh benci dy... ckt pon x... i must admit yg dlu aq mntk cple blek ngn dy.. mati2 dy xnk.. skrg pon dy dh ad gf... pergi la sayang gf kau tuhh jauuh2.. sbuk msg aq pehal kn? merepek-repek jek bdk2 skrg.. hahahh! 
last2 aq cm dh fedup sgt dy sbuk nk misscall2 n bg msg byk2 lg, aq reply la msg dy dgn rse belas ikhsan nye.. hehe
ayat first,,, "hey best fren !" hahh! amek kau.. terase la tuhh.. trus xmsg dh... mengada nk gedix ngn aq.. egt aq nk kt dy lg la tuhh... taw la loaded n kacak n always have camera with him kan... well, aq sgt ske camera k.. hrp mklum.. sbb tuhh terpikat dlu.. hehe
k... end of story... 
p/s: jgn blek pd org yg dh pnh tolak kite dlu k... n you! hms bin s.... back off... i have my own life rite now.. n i'm happy with it... if u dont, serve u rite then ! pdn mke.. hehe

talk to my hand perhaps..

Saturday, December 4, 2010

when i'm bored again !

babysitting.. i thought it was the glorious experience of all... urgh ! bored.. dh mnjge bdk umur 11 n 15... masing2 dhh bsar.. aq xpyh nk jge ap.. hahahaha so.. when i get bored like a lot! camwhore!!! hehee thick eyebrow with thick purple eyeliner.. and my best bud, VONO! haha ;P



Friday, December 3, 2010

damn ! i'm ryte !

hell yeahh... remember story  yg sblom nehh? well... about that girl yg dpt blek ex dy.. yeah i'm ryte... dy cple blek ngn laky tuhh... pdhl laky tuhh dh abis maki dy time cple ngn aq dlu.. hope her eyes will open and see the truth bout the guy 1 day... aq xleh nk nsiht bdk tuhh... coz i know she won't listen... pape jek la.. lgpon aq dh block fb dy.. hehe mls nk bce ayat2 blagk dy..

thats all.... pray for the best... keep your iman up high uollss... elak kn dr bnde2 yg cm nehh k.. 

peace ! =)

like i care !

wehh ! geram nehh geram !! ok.. let me story morey from the not-so-start k.. hehe 
aq ad cple ngn bdk laky dr pahang.. huh ! u know la who lau korang knl aq.. sume org pelik gler aq leh cple ngn dy.. coz at first kitorg dh declare as 5 siblings tau.. aq pon cm heran gk a.. but then i dont know how.. lpas jmpe time raya ari tu.. dy berjaya pjuk aq cple ngn dy.. I DONT KNOW HOW!!!!! urgghh ! ok, actually i know how.. everyone yg kt kolej aq know HOW!! well... frankly said for by viewer,,, dy pakai ayat guna2 kt aq.. surprise ryte??!! but that was the truth ok ! i'm not blogging for lying or knekn sape2 k !! this is considered as my diary.. i have an extra ordinary fren kt kolej.. n she knows it from the start.. cme dy xpasti lg.. but then, ble aq jdy xtentu arah sygkn bdk laky tu, then she speaks out.. poor me rite ! n also! sedara dy sndr yg gtaw aq.. dy mengaku yg ex aq nnehh pkai guna2 kt sume gf dy termasuk aq.. damn ! tp nasib bek la aq taw awal.. n i got strength... aq kuat utk lwn sume nehh.. thanx to all my frens.. love them alot!!! 
but actually yg aq nk cite nehh... ex bdk laky tu sbok nk maki2 aq lg.. ehh helllloooo !! do i look like a president of suara rakyat here???? g berckp kt org len la! xhingin aq nk taw psl kau! bru2 nehh kwn dy xmemsl nk knekn aq plak knon.. tnye ehem mne? ahhahah hingat lawak ke hahhh?? nth pape.. ggt bru taw! ehhh!! sabar sara sabar... gg ko tu tajam sgt.. putus tlinga bdk tu karang.. haha ! but then, aq terbce status ex laky nehh.. yg berbunyi..

bosannnnn bangat.....
tp aq gmbire arh bab dapat balek owg yg aq SAYANG...............:)
ngat kn da xpat blek........
gmbire bngat,,,,,

hahahha baki aq tu kehh dy dpt balik?? congrate babe... bersiap sedia lah utk dirosakkan lg.. ksian bdk pmpuan tu.. dy pon kne guna2 gk kot.. tp dy xtaw.. pdn la jdy cm meroyan gler time dy taw aq cple ngn laky tu dlu.. haha poor her! thank GOD aq sedar awal.. n hrp sgt aq dijauhkn dr bnde2 cm nehh lg.. 


Thursday, December 2, 2010

kenapa ?

kenapa aq msh menangis utk kenangn yg lmpau?
kenapa aq msh terngiang2kn suaranya?

lama aq manunggu suara mnje kau singgah ke telinga ku..
malah pd peluang terakhir kite bersama,
aq msh xdpt dgr suara yg ku rindu2 tu..

tp mlm tdy..
mlm tdy suara tu dtg kembali...
suara tu...
suara yg aq tggu2 slama ni...
kau call dan menyatakan perasaan rindu dan sayang kau pd aq..
tp dh terlmbt...
maafkan aq..

kau dtg semula dlm idopkku saat aq kecapi kebahagiaan bersama yg lain..
mmg slhku melepaskn mu..
tp kau dh berjnji utk tidak mengganggu ku lg..
kau bersumpah tidak mahu bersamaku lg..

aq mengaku..
perpisahan kita mmg slhku..
lepaskn la aq..
sesungguhnya aq xlyk utk kau..
aq cume berharap kau doakn kebahagiaan ku bersama org lain..

maafkan aq.. 


you hurt me when you came back.. please don't find me again..

Sunday, November 28, 2010


gosh.. mlm tdy mimpi indah ! wee~ ! aq mimpi i'm holding a baby.. around 1 year.. she's so cute.. comel gler ! dgn pkai gown wrne oren putih.. comel sgt2.. aq dukung dy.. men2 ngn dy.. then dy kiss pipi byk2 kali.. gelak2.. comel nk mampus ! goshh !!!! i really want a baby like that.. can ibrhm faudzi? can? can? hehe ;P ! love baby a lot !!! my ome is the one who responsible in this situation.. coz dy yg ubah perception aq ttg baby.. he makes me love babies like ALOTTT!!! mwaahhhxx! hehe

my twin baby ! yg kiri tu bapak bby.. hehe ;P

baby cute !! i wish to have one of those.. =D

Saturday, November 27, 2010

tunang ku di bawa lari..

isy xleh jdy nehh.. pg2 mak long dtg ngn tok mak n abg susuan kesygn aq, abg abbas... dh wt air sume.. then aq mengendeng2 la kt angah yg tgh bce paper.. selak2.. perrggghhhh ! bikin gua panas nehh.. first ayat kuar, "peh ! nak mati ea yuna?" .. sdh !! tu nang aq, QI QUSHAIRI bercinta ngn yuna.. LULUH aty aq.. HANCUR ! BERKECAI ! emm xpe la.. amek la yuna.. amek la.. aq pasti suatu ary nty dy akn blek pd aq semula..
hahahha kau giler ?!!!! xnk aq.. =P ! 

comel.. time kurus jek ! hehe

kissin u!

yeeeeyyyyeeeaaahhhh!!! lagu sudah dapat! berhibur la anda ! hahahaha mwahhxx !

kissin u..

Sparks fly, it's like electricity. 
I might die when I forget how to breathe. 
You get closer and there's no where in this world I'd rather be. 
Time stops like everything around me is frozen, 
and nothin' matters but these few moments, 
when you open my mind to things I've never seen. 

'Cause when I'm kissin' you my senses come alive. 
Almost like the puzzle piece I've been tryin' to find, 
falls right into place, you're all that it takes, 
my doubts fade away when I'm kissin' you. 
When I'm kissin' you it all starts makin' sense, 
and all the questions I've been asking in my head, 
like, Are you the one? Should I really trust? 
Crystal clear it becomes when I'm kissin' you. 

Past loves, they never got very far. 
Walls up, made sure I guarded my heart. 
And I promised I wouldn't do this 'til I knew it was right for me. 
But no one, no guy that I met before could make me feel so right and secure. 
And have you noticed I lose my focus, 
and the world around me disappears. 

'Cause when I'm kissin' you my senses come alive. 
Almost like the puzzle piece I've been tryin' to find, 
falls right into place, you're all that it takes, 
my doubts fade away when I'm kissin' you. 
When I'm kissin' you it all starts makin' sense. 
and all the questions I've been asking in my head, 
like, Are you the one? Should I really trust? 
Crystal clear it becomes when I'm kissin' you. 

I've never felt nothing like this. 
You're makin' me open up. 
No point even tryin' to fight this, 
it kinda feels like it's looooove. 

'Cause when I'm kissin' you my senses come alive. 
Almost like the puzzle piece I've been tryin' to find, 
falls right into place, you're all that it takes, 
my doubts fade away when I'm kissin' you. 
When I'm kissin' you it all starts making sense, 
and all the questions I've been asking in my head, 
like, Are you the one? Should I really trust? 
Crystal clear it becomes when I'm kissin' you.

Go to fullsize image

Go to fullsize image

Friday, November 26, 2010

wehhh ! music2 !!!

guys.. ad org ke x yg bce blog aq nehh.. hahaha xpe2.. nk type gk!!
actually dh kematu my fingers yg comel2 nehh carik cm ne nk msokn music utk blog gler nehh...
haisyy !! xjumpe ! ke mana pergi nye button pemasok music???! errggghhhh... gler punye blog..
xpe la.. uollss.. lau nk bka blog aq nehh, smbil2 la bka lagu kt lptop korg sndr..
sila2 pilih lagu faborot sndr kt lptop tuhh ea.. aq dh setkn kt lptop korg dh.. hehe harap maappppp!!

nahh amek gula2 nehh aq bg.. maapp! xde lagu.. haha!


aq btol2 menyesal dgn sume.. bkn aq yg nk jdy cm nehh.. tp nk wt cm ne.. bnde dh jdy... biar aq ceritoeehhh la ea.. 
once upon a time,,,, ekhemm2 (batuk2 buku berabokk)aq xikut g jenjalan ngn pemeli ari nehh... wuuuuu~! sedih ! ayah ajak g jln2 ngn opie(my bulat2 sistahh) coz dy kt hostel taking her SPM.. nk g sarapan luar!! dah lme aq xmerasa sarapan kt luar.. (dlm kata2 sbnr, dah lme xsarapan sbb xjmpe pg) sshhh! diam la kau ! haissyyy.. cm ne nye nk bangun ikut ayah?? mlm tdy xtido.. kul 5 lbh bru tdo.. mmg x la nk bangun.. aduiihhh.. bangun nehh pon mte bengkak.. *mata ome bengkak gk x ome? weewiitt! hahaa
tu jek nk citooo! chauu bunchauuu!

nmpak mte tu? cm panda sungguh.. haiihh !

21 NOV 2010

well.. i bet all of u dh dpt teka dh tarikh ni.. its my ome day ! haha tepat kul 12.12 am... do i really love him? do i really need him that much? do i wanna live with him for the entire of my life?? the answer is.. hell yeaahhhh !!!! kau gler cple utk kejap jek? hey i do love him.. sebelum cple kitorg pnh jmpe skali time tu aq kuar ngn mber aq.. but we actually xckp pape pon.. dgr suara dy pon x.. (pdhal aq yg bisu time tu) tp frankly said la kn.. dy mmg cinta pandang pertama kuhhh.. (ckp kuat2) hahaha i hope this relationship will last long... love him fucking damn much ! tp dh cple ni kitorg xpnh jmpe pon... lgsung ! isy doreamon!! nk pintu ajaib la.. ! asyik2 bg nobita pinjam.. geram aq.. owh lupe gtaw.. his nama is,,,,, IBRAHIM MODH FAUDZI !! geezass.. sexy kan nama tu.. weeweeetttt!! hahahha *bongek.. guess thats all uollss.. bubye !

isn't he's cute ! meaauuww!! ;P