Friday, December 3, 2010

like i care !

wehh ! geram nehh geram !! ok.. let me story morey from the not-so-start k.. hehe 
aq ad cple ngn bdk laky dr pahang.. huh ! u know la who lau korang knl aq.. sume org pelik gler aq leh cple ngn dy.. coz at first kitorg dh declare as 5 siblings tau.. aq pon cm heran gk a.. but then i dont know how.. lpas jmpe time raya ari tu.. dy berjaya pjuk aq cple ngn dy.. I DONT KNOW HOW!!!!! urgghh ! ok, actually i know how.. everyone yg kt kolej aq know HOW!! well... frankly said for by viewer,,, dy pakai ayat guna2 kt aq.. surprise ryte??!! but that was the truth ok ! i'm not blogging for lying or knekn sape2 k !! this is considered as my diary.. i have an extra ordinary fren kt kolej.. n she knows it from the start.. cme dy xpasti lg.. but then, ble aq jdy xtentu arah sygkn bdk laky tu, then she speaks out.. poor me rite ! n also! sedara dy sndr yg gtaw aq.. dy mengaku yg ex aq nnehh pkai guna2 kt sume gf dy termasuk aq.. damn ! tp nasib bek la aq taw awal.. n i got strength... aq kuat utk lwn sume nehh.. thanx to all my frens.. love them alot!!! 
but actually yg aq nk cite nehh... ex bdk laky tu sbok nk maki2 aq lg.. ehh helllloooo !! do i look like a president of suara rakyat here???? g berckp kt org len la! xhingin aq nk taw psl kau! bru2 nehh kwn dy xmemsl nk knekn aq plak knon.. tnye ehem mne? ahhahah hingat lawak ke hahhh?? nth pape.. ggt bru taw! ehhh!! sabar sara sabar... gg ko tu tajam sgt.. putus tlinga bdk tu karang.. haha ! but then, aq terbce status ex laky nehh.. yg berbunyi..

bosannnnn bangat.....
tp aq gmbire arh bab dapat balek owg yg aq SAYANG...............:)
ngat kn da xpat blek........
gmbire bngat,,,,,

hahahha baki aq tu kehh dy dpt balik?? congrate babe... bersiap sedia lah utk dirosakkan lg.. ksian bdk pmpuan tu.. dy pon kne guna2 gk kot.. tp dy xtaw.. pdn la jdy cm meroyan gler time dy taw aq cple ngn laky tu dlu.. haha poor her! thank GOD aq sedar awal.. n hrp sgt aq dijauhkn dr bnde2 cm nehh lg.. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. eh pya... emm...
    bkn kowt.. aggap jek la bkn...
    n plez dont tell any others k..
